Journal of Dali University ›› 2021, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 10-14.DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 2096-2266. 2021. 02. 002

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Study on the Antioxidant Activity of Different Periplaneta americana Extracts

He Ying, Gu Ting, Yang Yongshou, Xiao Peiyun*   

  1. (College of Pharmacy, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China)
  • Received:2020-07-06 Revised:2020-08-31 Online:2021-02-15 Published:2021-03-17

Abstract: Objective: To study the antioxidant activity of different extracts of Periplaneta americana. Methods: Extracts of
Periplaneta americana were extracted with different polar solvents and prepared as water extract(PAW), ethanol extract(PAEE), nbutanol
extract(PABA), ethyl acetate extract(PAEA)and petroleum ether extract(PAPE). The antioxidant activity of different
extracts of Periplaneta americana was evaluated by determining the scavenging ability of hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion radical,
DPPH radical, ABTS radical, total reduction ability and Fe2+ chelation ability. Results: At the same dose concentration, the scavenging
rates of DPPH and ABTS and total reduction capacity were significantly higher at the PABA and PAEA than other extracts, and PABA
was superior to PAEA. At the same time, the PABA had strong chelating ability of Fe2+ ion, followed by PAEE; PAEE and PAW had
higher scavenging ability to free hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions than the other three extracts. Conclusion: The above results
showed that the antioxidant activity of 5 extracts of Periplaneta americana was significantly different, but all of them had certain
antioxidant activity, which provided experimental basis for the further development and utilization of resources of Periplaneta

Key words: extracts of Periplaneta americana, antioxidant activity, free radical, total reduction ability, Fe2+ chelation ability

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